Saturday, August 10, 2024

Book Review: Confident AI

Title: Confident AI

Author: Andy Pardoe

Publisher: Kogan Page

Publication Date: July 3, 2024

Rating: 3 out of 5 stars

Andy Pardoe's "Confident AI" aims to demystify artificial intelligence for readers seeking to understand and engage with this ubiquitous technology. Drawing from his extensive experience in the AI industry, Pardoe provides a guide to navigating the AI landscape, covering fundamentals and exploring career opportunities in the field.

While the book offers a broad overview of AI, it falls short in several areas. The writing style is dry and repetitive, which will challenge readers looking for a more engaging narrative. It disappoints in its lack of pragmatic discussion about AI applications in business contexts. I was hoping for practical insights on integrating AI into business operations and I found the focus on different careers and roles less useful. The best chapter was on governance, ethics, and safety in AI, addressing crucial aspects often overlooked in technical discussions.

Despite its shortcomings, the book provides a comprehensive look at the AI industry, which may benefit those new to the field. It could serve as a starting point for readers looking to enter the AI space, though those seeking a more engaging or practical guide to AI implementation should plan to look elsewhere.

A big thank you to Kogan Page and NetGalley for providing an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review. 

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