Monday, August 5, 2024

Book Review: How to Retire

Title: How to Retire

Author: Christine Benz

Publisher: Harriman House

Publication Date: September 17, 2024

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Christine Benz's "How to Retire" offers a comprehensive look at the multifaceted aspects of retirement planning through interviews with 20 thought leaders in the field. This anthology-style approach provides readers with a wide array of expert insights, covering everything from financial strategies to quality-of-life considerations.

The book's structure, featuring 20 chapters each dedicated to a different expert, allows for a broad exploration of retirement topics. While this format provides diverse perspectives, it may leave some readers wanting more depth in certain areas and less in others. The financial aspects of retirement are particularly well-covered, with in-depth discussions on retirement income styles, spending changes, and portfolio management.

Benz doesn't neglect the non-financial aspects of retirement, touching on subjects like optimizing happiness, nurturing relationships, and living without regrets. However, these "softer" topics receive less attention compared to the financial planning elements, which might disappoint readers seeking a more balanced approach.

One of the book's strengths is its practical focus, with each chapter concluding with valuable "takeaways" that summarize key points. These summaries serve as excellent quick-reference guides for readers looking to revisit specific advice.

While some chapters can be slow-paced and dry due to the nature of the subject matter, the variety of topics covered—from visualizing retirement lifestyle to maximizing social security and managing health concerns—keeps the overall reading experience engaging.

This book is recommended for individuals seeking a well-rounded understanding of retirement planning, particularly those interested in the financial aspects of this life transition. The expert insights and practical takeaways make it a worthwhile read for anyone looking to approach retirement with confidence and wisdom.

A big thank you to Harriman House and NetGalley for providing an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review. 

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