Saturday, August 10, 2024

Book Review: Nemesis

Title: Nemesis

Author: Gregg Hurwitz

Publisher: St Martins Press

Publication Date: February 21, 2025

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars

Gregg Hurwitz delivers another pulse-pounding installment in the Orphan X series with "Nemesis," the tenth book, pitting Evan Smoak against his closest ally. This bold move creates a tension-filled narrative exploring the limits of friendship and honor.

Unlike previous entries, "Nemesis" doesn't focus on a typical Nowhere Man mission. Instead, Evan finds himself embroiled in a personal vendetta, seeking justice for murdered Mexican immigrants while simultaneously confronting his former best friend, Tommy Stojack. This departure from the usual formula allows Hurwitz to delve deeper into Evan's psyche, showcasing his character's growth as he grapples with newfound emotions during his mission.

The novel shines in its action sequences, particularly the ambush in Tommy's workshop and a spectacular old-fashioned shootout in a Western town. These set pieces demonstrate Hurwitz's skill in crafting visceral, edge-of-your-seat moments.

"Nemesis" also explores the consequences of rigid adherence to principles, as Evan's unwavering commitment to his assassin's Ten Commandments puts him at odds with the concept of friendship. This conflict adds a layer of moral complexity to the narrative, elevating it beyond a simple thriller.

While the focus is primarily on Evan, the novel also showcases growth in supporting characters, particularly Joey, who learns hard lessons about the consequences of trying to fit in. 

Overall, "Nemesis" is a solid addition to the Orphan X series, offering high-stakes action, complex character development, and a fresh twist on the established formula. Fans of Evan Smoak will find plenty to appreciate, even as it pushes the boundaries of what they've come to expect from the series.

A big thank you to St Martins Press and NetGalley for providing an advanced reader copy in exchange for an honest review. 

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