Director: Andrew Niccol, 2011. (PG-13)
“I don't have time. I don't have time to worry about how it
happened. It is what it is. We're genetically engineered to stop aging at 25.
The trouble is, we live only one more year, unless we can get more time. Time
is now the currency. We earn it and spend it. The rich can live forever. And
the rest of us? I just want to wake up with more time on my hand than hours in
the day.” Will Salas (Justin Timberlake,
The Social Network) narrates these lines at the start of the film, explaining the
curious twist at the heart of this science fiction film: time is currency.
Niccol does a fantastic job in the first half hour of
showing how time has become central to everything. The 13 green glowing digits
on every person’s forearm blink continuously showing how long they have left to
live, in years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds. When the number hits
zero, you time-out; with a sudden jolt you expire. Store prices show in minutes
or hours. A car might cost 57 years, a cup of coffee 5 minutes. There is even a
99 second store, just like the local dollar stores. There are Timekeepers, who enforce
the law and “keep the clock running;” Minute Men, who rob others of their time;
and time zones that separate the rich and the poor, the haves and the have
In the first act we meet Will, living at home with a
beautiful woman who we discover is his mother. It could be his girlfriend. It
is a shock to see multiple generations all looking the same age. After work, he
goes to a bar and intervenes when a stranger loaded with over 100 years of time
is about to be mugged by Minute Men. Saving the man, Henry, Will takes him to a
deserted building to spend the night. It turns out, Henry is over 100 years old,
from New Greenwich in the rich zone, and tired of living. He just wants to die.
While sleeping he transfers his time to Will, then leaves to expire,
essentially committing suicide. He writes an apropos message on the window for
Will: “Don’t waste my time.” This intended pun becomes Will’s mission.
With time on his hands, or literally on his arm, Will goes to New Greenwich to fix the system, to rebalance the economic (or is it temporal) disparity. There he encounters Philippe Weis, a billionaire in years, while gambling with his life in a casino. When he wins, he meets Philippe’s beautiful daughter Sylvia (Amanda Seyfried, Letters to Juliet). At first, she is opposed to the risks that Will takes, such as swimming in the sea, since those with time on their hands avoid making mistakes that might lead to a premature death. Instead, they dawdle through life, without really experiencing it. But with Time Keeper Leon (Cillian Murphy, Batman Begins) doggedly pursuing Will believing him to be Henry’s murderer, Will kidnaps Sylvia. As she spends time with him, she rejects her father’s values and totally embraces Will’s.
As unlikely as this seems, her life is turned upside down in
under a day. And she goes from uber-rich kid to uber-outlaw. What was an outstanding
concept descends into typical Bonnie and Clyde pulp material.

There are any number of parallels with the gospel message
which emerge through a number of contrasting statements from these central characters.
Sylvia says at one point, referring to her life of time and ease, “We’re not
meant to live like this. We’re not meant to live forever.” The biblical account
contradicts this. We were meant to live forever. Adam and Eve were created
innocent and pure, intended to spend eternity in the presence of God in the
garden (Gen. 1-2). They were meant to live forever.

Earlier in the film, Henry tells Will, “For a few to be
immortal, many must die.” Here is the idea of sacrifice. In context, Henry is
talking about the rich feasting parasitically off the lives of the poor. But Will
retorts, “No one should be immortal if even one person has to die.” The
biblical concept refutes Will and takes Henry’s idea but turns it around. For many
to be immortal, only one must die.
Jesus Christ came to earth with a mission to seek and save
the lost (Lk. 19:10). He essentially was the second Adam, the perfect man (1
Cor. 15:45-49). He willingly went to the cross to die so that we might be
offered to the chance to live (Rom. 3:21-26). As the high priest at the time
said, becoming an unknowing prophet, “it is better for you that one man die for
the people than that the whole nation perish” (Jn. 11:50). Now, though we die
we still can live in an everlasting life that begins now and continues in
heaven. All are offered this gift of life, but not all take. The death of one
provides immortality for all who would receive Christ (Jn. 1:12). In contrast
to Will’s comment, no one can be immortal unless one person dies – Jesus. Without
his sacrificial death, our sin would go unpunished, unatoned for. We would
remain unforgiven, destined for death. But since the death was willing and
voluntary, no one should refuse to be immortal, no one should ignore the death
and resurrection of Jesus. This gracious gift should be gratefully claimed. It
is the gift of time, the gift of immortality.
In Time is enjoyable but clichéd. The end leaves too many
implications, and the ethical themes are simply not explored. When Philippe
tells Sylvia, “You’d steal from your own father,” she asks, “Is it stealing if
it’s already stolen?” This opens up an ethical dilemma, but rather than
interact with it, the film turns the thief into a Robin Hood figure. It is
saying it is OK to steal if it is redistributed to the needy, a take on social
Moreover, the disparity between the two social classes could
have been mined for moral material. But it was left alone. How Will could
possibly solve the problems of his society remain a mystery. Yet as an action
movie it delivers some thrills. On the whole, these 109 minutes is time reasonably
well spent.
Copyright©2012, Martin Baggs
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