Sunday, April 13, 2008

Movie Group shows The Incredibles

The Mosaic Movie Connect Grup met for the fourth time this year yesterday. Eleven stalwart regulars sacrificed time in the sun (that yellow orb in the sky that rarely shows itself until July here in Oregon) to sit in a dark and cool basement watching The Incredibles. But what fun it was. Since this was a family-oriented movie rated PG, we had half a dozen kids viewing with us, and they were incredibly well-behaved. (Perhaps they learned a lesson or two about being true to yourself, and even coming in second.)

After the screening, we enjoyed Noah's bagels and some "hang-time" before going into discussion. Ryan, co-leader of the group, led us through an analysis of the moral premise (or message) of the movie using techniques described in "The Moral Premise" (see link on blog "Resources" sidebar). And then movie man Martin (yours truly) engaged the ethical issues of the movie, working alone vs together, protecting your identity, being normal and fitting in (if everyone in Portland were weird, as in "Keep Portland weird," would weird become normal?). All in all it was an incredible night -- see the photos below.

Amy, Becca and Martin (movie screen in the background)


Ryan, Becca, Hannah, Alison, Ezra, Amy and Caleb being true to themselves

Kirstin and Sue connecting!

Sharon and Andrea -- future photo connect group leaders?

Pre-discussion discussion!

Ryan in his element, leading the group

Coming soon to this blog, my reviews of The Incredibles, The Animatrix, Margot at the Wedding and more. Check out the blog over the next week or so to read these.

Copyright 2008, Martin Baggs

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