Director: David Russell, 2012 (R)
Silver Linings
the latest film from the director of the 2010 hit The Fighter, presents a moving and powerful portrait of a different
kind of fighter. Pat (Bradley Cooper) is no boxer fighting other men, although
he spends much of his time exercising. No, Pat is fighting something invisible
– mental illness. Bipolar disorder is a much tougher and trickier opponent, one
too easily dismissed because it cannot be seen.
As the movie begins, Pat is wrapping up 8 months in a Maryland
mental health institute where he has gone to avoid jail after an explosive and
violent incident in his home that involved his wife Nicki. Now that his
court-mandated period is up his mom, Dolores (Jacki Weaver), is taking him home
to Philadelphia where his dad, Pat Sr. (Robert De Niro), is blissfully unaware
of his son’s impending freedom.
Pat Sr has his own problems – OCD behavior, violence of his own,
and compulsive gambling. He lives for his beloved Eagles football team, and
considers Pat Jr a good-luck charm for the NFL games. Now a bookie, he gambles
on these games the money he is saving for his family restaurant business.

On paper, the film strikes no chords. It is about living with
mental illness. The dialogue is replete with more curse words than a Naval
barracks, although to be fair this is probably how such families talk. And
there is violence, both within Pat’s family and between ethnic groups. Yet, it
comes together to form a sparkling romantic comedy/drama. There are some very
funny scenes. There are some very touching, almost sentimental moments. And
there are some very tense interactions. But, hey, this is grounded in the
reality of a family impacted by mental illness.

In the second act, once Pat and Tiffany have met, we find Pat
needing to get a letter to Nikki and Tiffany is the only person who can manage
this. And she offers to do it. But there is a catch. She needs something and
only Pat can deliver. At this point, Pat is forced to play her game. To go into
the details would be to give too many spoilers away. Suffice it to say, that
this forces Tiffany and Pat to work together even as Pat Sr wants Pat to spend
time, particularly Sunday afternoons, with him. Conflict is sure to arise ,and
it does.
The film does depict a realistic representation of living with
mental illness. Pat is in denial. He thinks he can handle his illness through
personal exercise and his practice of his magic word “Excelsior”: a process of
looking for the silver lining within any situation. But in avoiding his
medication, he is deluding himself. His parents know this. His therapist knows
this. His friends know it. But he ignores this. Indeed he seems to be running
from this.

Although it may be positive and healthy to look for silver
linings, they are not always there. Trials and difficulties come. They are part
of this life. The Apostle James tells us: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers,
whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of
your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you
may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (Jas 1:2-4). We may look
ahead to the character growth that such trials brings, but they may not always
produce circumstantial results that are positive. As has been said, bad things
do happen to good people.
As much as attitude can be important, when medical issues
prevail medication becomes preeminent. Some illnesses cannot be beaten by sheer
willpower or mindpower. Prayer can help, certainly (Jas. 5:16). But we should
not turn away from therapies that include prescribed drugs.
The Bible denigrates superstition. In one passage, the prophet
Isaiah speaks for the Lord against his people: “They are full of superstitions
from the East; they practice divination like the Philistines” (Isa. 2:6). By
extension, superstition is placed alongside divination and then sorcery or
witchcraft (Deut. 18:10; 1 Ki. 9:22; Gal. 5:20). When we place our trust in
ritualistic behavior, we are turning from the one who has control over history
to symbolic actions. We are turning away from the living God to idols.
Superstition is hence a form of idolatry, a way we can control events that
should rightly be beyond our control.
There is a silver lining in this playbook. Despite this
unbiblical worldview, the positive attitude approach of Pat’s Excelsior and the
genuine chemistry of the leads make us root for them all the way to the
Christmas climax. Clearly this is not your typical romantic comedy, not even of
the quirky independent film genre. But unless you have a sensitive ear or a delicate
constitution, in which case you might choose to skip this film, Silver Linings Playbook will have you smiling and dancing all
the way home.
Copyright ©2013, Martin Baggs
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