Monday, December 31, 2012

The Bourne Trilogy -- reviews coming in 2013

I mentioned in a previous posting that my brother-in-law has a Christmas movie tradition of watching Scrooged. Well, my family has a movie tradition also. We watch a trilogy each Christmas break. We’ve seen all the great ones over the years: The Godfather series; The Lord of the Rings (extended versions); Star Wars (both trilogies); the Man with No Name spaghetti westerns; and last year was Mission Impossible. This year we selected the Bourne trilogy (not including the new film with Jeremy Renner, which I may watch later, since Bourne does not technically appear in the film).

With this in mind, I am planning on posting three reviews in the first week of January about the Jason Bourne films starring Matt Damon. Since they are interconnected in a number of ways, each having a single predominant theme, the blogs will essentially piggy-back on one another, especially in the biblical interaction that I respond with. So, look for these coming soon to this website. (And my review/response to The Hobbit will appear in early January.)

Who knows, next year's trilogy might be the "Three Flavors Cornetto" trilogy, featuring perhaps my favorite film (and certainly most quoted in my home), Hot Fuzz (blue cornetto), along with Shaun of the Dead (red cornetto), and the upcoming green cornetto, The World's End, releasing in late 2013.

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