Director: Jay Roach, 2012 (R)
The Campaign is raunchy and scatological. In other words,
it’s a Will Ferrell film. But it’s one of his better films. In other words,
it’s hilarious in places, full of one-liners that come so quickly you’ll miss
on the first viewing and have to catch later.
Ferrell plays North Carolina Congressman Cam Brady, a
five-term Democratic politician ready to run again, unopposed. Surrounded by his wife Rose (Katherine LaNasa) and two kids, he projects an image of the ideal family man. Yet this appearance is undermined by his desire to bed any good-looking supporter in the crowd. And after he does, he makes a dirty phone call to her but misdials leaving this impolitic message on another person’s answering machine. This causes his political stock to plummet.
He is jaded and cynical . So much so, that he summarizes his campaign platform with three words: “America, Jesus, Freedom.” And he doesn’t really know what any of these mean. They are all just words. To Brady, America is simply his place of employment. Jesus is just a name, not a person. It provides him access to a group of voters, even those who handle snakes (Mk. 16:18). And freedom is a concept he knows little about, since he is captive to the lobbyists who have paid for his electoral wins. As soon as they smell defeat, they cut their losses and leave this loser behind.
He is jaded and cynical . So much so, that he summarizes his campaign platform with three words: “America, Jesus, Freedom.” And he doesn’t really know what any of these mean. They are all just words. To Brady, America is simply his place of employment. Jesus is just a name, not a person. It provides him access to a group of voters, even those who handle snakes (Mk. 16:18). And freedom is a concept he knows little about, since he is captive to the lobbyists who have paid for his electoral wins. As soon as they smell defeat, they cut their losses and leave this loser behind.

The early part of the film focuses on the differences
between the two candidates. One, Brady, cares only for himself. He is the
consummate politician, pouring out platitudes and lies to eager listeners. He
can play the crowd. The other, Huggins, cares about his town and the people.
Both are people-pleasers, but in their own very different ways.

As Huggins transforms into Wattley’s vision of a successful
North Carolinian (and Galifianakis is indeed North Carolinian), even his voice
changes. But so too does his relationship with his wife. His character arc
eventually comes full circle, even impacting Brady, but in a somewhat
improbable journey.
One scene summarizes the ethical message of the film. Marty
is on a boat while his father is fishing. He has been told he will be the
Republican candidate, and he enthusiastically tells his dad, “I’ll make you
proud. I will. I’ll make you real proud.” To which his dad responds, “I’d say
there’s a mathematically zero chance of that happening.” Talk about popping
someone’s balloon!
Marty wanted to please people. But mostly he wanted to
please his dad, to make him proud. He had lived his whole life in the shadow of
his brother and had received little recognition or approval from his father.
It is natural to want to receive parental approval. When
lacking, we resort to trying to please people. But that is a losing game. We
can never please everybody. And the Bible tells us we should not try to please
people. Rather, we should be “trying to please people but God, who tests our
hearts” (1 Thess. 2:4). To the church of Galatia, Paul says: “If I were still
trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ” (Gal. 1:10). We
need to make God proud, to please him. He is the ultimate Parent whose approval
we can and must seek. None other really matters. His is the vote that counts!
The film does not veer to either party. Instead, it chooses
to lampoon the whole political process of election campaigning showing it for
what it possibly is: full of dirty ads supported by vested businessmen, to
elect men that might not even care. But it does deliver on its campaign promise
of laughs . . . in plenty. Just don’t expect much more after the votes are all
Copyright ©2012, Martin Baggs
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